Red dead redemption legendary alligator
Red dead redemption legendary alligator

The Legendary Teca Gator should only be approached by the most bravehearted of Naturalists or hunters. These are at random locations within the animals spawn radius so you may have to roam the area a bit.Where the Kamassa River meets the Lannahechee lurks a unique and dangerous beast, reportedly sighted in the hours after dark and during rainy or stormy weather. Now you must press + (Left Stick + Right Stick) and look for yellow clues around the area.

red dead redemption legendary alligator

This usually clears up whatever activity is blocking the animal from spawning. If it says something about the area “being too busy” do the exact same (sleep at camp, ride away and return). If this clue doesn’t show in top left corner, create a campsite via your item wheel, sleep, ride away, and return to the animal symbol until it shows you this note. It must show you this clue, this is super important! Otherwise you’re just wasting your time.

red dead redemption legendary alligator red dead redemption legendary alligator

Hunt this Legendary Animal by finding and inspecting clues”. “You have entered Legendary Animal Territory. Upon entering the area it has to show you the following clue in the top left corner or else the legendary animal won’t spawn: They look like drawings of the animal but with a “crown” icon over their head. When you get close enough, a legendary animal icon will appear on the map. Ride to the locations shown on the maps below. You can find it in the Satchel (hold ) under Documents > Maps > Legendary Animal Map. This is the map given to you by Hosea in Chapter 2. We’ll go through them on the in-game map. Hosea also gives you the Legendary Animals map, but it’s incomplete and not very accurate. If you back out you can still return later to find it. Later into the mission you get the choice to back out or keep hunting it. In Chapter 2, Hosea takes you to hunt for a Legendary Bear. So you can easily pump them full with shotgun slugs in Dead Eye mode without it affecting the skin quality. And regardless of how you kill them, they always drop the Legendary Pelt.

red dead redemption legendary alligator

Also, skinning a Legendary Animal automatically completes the “study” requirement for the compendium.

Red dead redemption legendary alligator